Monday, 20 November 2017

Know About Building Permit Requirement for Custom Renovations Calgary

Renovating your custom home may or may not require specific permits from the relevant authority and therefore you should know whether any building permit is required for your specific project. Apart from the development permit the renovation contractor may ask for such building permit. This permit will authorize the contractor demolish, build, relocate, repair and make alterations in an existing structure. Furthermore, such building permit is also required for detached garages and new homes. It contemplates the requirements like work inspections as well as your home warranty. You can also visit the planning website of your region to find about such requirements from their checklist and glossaries.

The Zone or Area

The requirement of building permit for Custom Renovations Calgary will also depend on the zone or area in which your home is located. Apart from that the building permit requirement will also depend on the design of your custom home and its requirement, structure and other factors. There may be different types of building permit required as well for your specific project and therefore it is best to hire the service of an experienced building contractor. They will know about the specific permit requirements and will guide you through the process as well.
The Options Available

You are offered with two options when you want building permits for Windows Replacement Calgary or other renovation job, one is contextual and the other is discretionary. Applying and requiring contextual development permit will mean that the design of your home is according the city guidelines and will not require any relaxation of the land use. On the other hand applying for discretionary development permit refers that your home design has specific items that are not according to the contextual requirements and therefore needs additional review. Talk to the contractor to choose the suitable one for your project. 

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